Double your productivity with these two methods

Urva Minhas
3 min readSep 27, 2021


Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

You are on the right place if you wish to get everything done daily, from tiny chores to big life-changing projects, from organizing your table drawer to achieving that milestone.
I’m goning to tell you the miracle metaphor to get 10 million things done in a single day!
Just say it with me.
Aaabra cadaabra…..bla bla bla……..

Ofcourse! It was a joke.

There is no magic trick to get each and everything get done, but there are some wise actions to take and get the things done which actually matter for our goals.
While you cannot raise your productivity level to unlimited but you can definitely double it from its existing level.

Following two methods will take you to the next level of productivity:

One thing at a time.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

“When you focus, you get things done”
The ability to avoid distractions and focus on the task at hand is the most useful asset when it comes to productivity. The better you focus, the more productive you are. Pomodoro technique is a wonderful tool to do this.

Pomodoro technique into Action:

1. Decide the one thing to do.

2. Set a timer for 25 min.

3. Commit these25 min solely and honestly to the one thing you have short-listed.

Once habitualized, this method you will be amazed by the stunning increase in your productivity and effectiveness.


“The key to get all things done is not to do them all”
You are a human being not a robot or a super computer, it is impossible to do hundreds of things with great efficiency all by yourself because,

· You have limited stamina.

· You have natural physical limitations of your body.

· You are not proficient in all related skills.

· You have a social life beside the work.

· You have friends and family to spend time with and make good memories.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The solution is “delegate”. You must delegate/move/handover several tasks to other people, machines and software. Because you are not expert in each and everything, some tasks will be better performed by other people who are more skilled at them. Many things can be get done more easily and more efficiently by automating the process, by using modern machines and software.

Delegation is a golden tip to level up your productivity. Proper delegation lowers work load, decreases stress and chaos, improves the quality of work and get things done easily.

These are my top tips for increasing the productivity and improving the quality of work. Try them out and you will be amazed by the power of focus and level of guilt free relaxation by delegation.

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