How you can actually stay healthy, happy, and beautiful this winter?

Urva Minhas
4 min readJan 11, 2022

The word “winter’’ reminds me of yummy traditional foods, warm drinks on foggy nights, holiday fun, cough, and dry skin. On one side, winter comes with a lot of happy moments and fun stuff but our health also needs special attention in the cold months. During this season your health care should include a special skincare routine for winter, food that gives you energy, warm clothing to protect you from cold weather, enough water intake to stay hydrated and regular workouts to stay energized in winter. Here are some tips you can use to stay healthy, happy, and beautiful this winter;

Enjoy winter meals

Eating quality foods is always the first step of a health care manual. Adding nuts, fish, egg, meat, and seasonal vegetables of winter to your meals will keep you warm and healthy in winter because nutrients in these foods generate heat in the body and help it face the cold weather. Moreover, these are rich in dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals which are required to keep the gut healthy, strengthen muscles, boost metabolism and detoxify the harmful particles in the blood getting in through the fog.

Eating raw food like dried nuts, seasonal fruits, and vegetables can make meals both easy and healthy. You can choose from tons of delicious recipes to use these natural ingredients in your meals and enjoy cooking with family in your winter holidays.

A warm drink like Dhood Patti, coffee, hot chocolate, tea, or kahwa is a wonderful way to have a warm talk with a loved one.

Being a desi foodie my favorite winter meals are fried fish, Sarson ka saag with Makkai ki roti, Panjeri bites, Andy ka halwa (Egg halwa), Gajjar ka halwa (Carrot halwa), Capichino, and Kashmiri chai. What’s your favorite winter meal, tell me in the comment and help a foodie find a delicious recipe!

Keep yourself hydrated

You know it! You are not a fish but still, you cannot live without water. You need to keep yourself hydrated to keep your body functioning properly and save your skin from dryness and cracks. In winter, it especially becomes easy to forget drinking water because you feel less thirst even when it is more important to drink water to keep your immune system, digestive system, and skin in good condition. Having regular tea or coffee breaks and keeping a glass of water on your desk can help in staying hydrated in winter.

Winter workouts

Although being lazy is even easier in winter. Sitting cozy in a Fluffy blanket is obviously the preferable thing to do when it’s clod outside but you should motivate yourself to get out of your warm seat and do some exercise on a regular basis. If you don’t want to go outside, at-home workouts or yoga poses to perform as physical activity will immensely help you in staying healthy in winter.

Take care of skin and hair in winter

Cold weather is especially harsh for the largest organ of our body; the skin. It can become dry, itchy, and rough due to severe weather. Uncovered parts like the face and hands are more susceptible to damage. Prevention is easier than cure, keep your skin moisturized all the time especially when going outside. If your skin has become dry due to weather, apply moisturizer or oil. Keeping yourself hydrated will protect your skin and hair from dryness.
Use Oil and good conditioners for hair in winter. You can apply a homemade protein mask over your head weekly to moisturize your hair internally.

Layered dressing

You require thick clothes for the cold weather, but the requirement may vary depending upon your location and work. It is colder outside than inside! When I am in the kitchen I feel warmed up and tend to remove the sweater, soon I will be shivering because I forgot to wear it back while coming to the living room. It is better to wear multiple clothes layer over each other so that you can add on extra protection when required and could remove a layer without getting completely vulnerable to the low temperature. Multiple layers also make it easy to play with different styles of dressing!

These are my tips to stay healthy, happy, and beautiful in winter, hit on the Clap icon many times to let me know how much you like this list.
what do you do to stay safe and healthy in cold weather, tell us your thoughts and hacks so we could all benefit from each other

