Last Minute Study Hacks (when you didn’t study earlier)

Urva Minhas
3 min readApr 14, 2024

Staring down an exam tomorrow with the sinking feeling of “where did the semester go?”
I feel you. I have been there a couple of times…Ah, that anxiety, that guilt!
But don’t fret because you can still save your semester.
While cramming all semester’s worth of knowledge into one night might feel impossible, there are ways to maximize your studying. So, you could walk into the exam hall feeling confident (or at least, way more prepared than you were five minutes ago).

Last Minute Study Hacks

Today I am sharing some battle-tested strategies to make the most of your last-minute study session. Without wasting a moment, let’s jump straight into it:

Prioritize to Make Most of Your Last-Minute Review

Trying to cram everything one night before the exam is counterproductive. It is nearly impossible and you will likely end up more frustrated and exhausted. According to neuroscience, our short-term memory is very limited. So, do not read 350 pages 5 hours before the exam, expecting that you could recall them all during the exam.
Forget trying to learn everything. Instead, focus on the high-impact stuff that will get you the most points. Look for the resources that highlight the main points. For example:

  • Chapter summaries
  • Lecture notes
  • Past exam papers

Use Active Recall Strategies for Memorization

Reading and rereading the textbook can keep you busy for a long time. However, cognitive science studies prove that it is a poor strategy when it comes to learning for exams.

Instead of passively reading, try explaining the concepts out loud. This forces your brain to retrieve information and strengthens those memory connections.

Practice questions are a powerful memory booster. Try working through practice problems or questions related to important topics.

Active recall is definitely more effortful than re-reading but it will ensure better performance and higher marks.

Remove Distractions to Maintain Your Focus

If your mind is constantly distracted, you will find it a lot harder to retain information. Here are a few tweaks that you can do to maximize focus during the last-minute review:

  • Turn off email and social media notifications. Also, put your phone out of sight otherwise you would be tempted to check it often.
  • Pick a quiet, clutter-free space where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Log out of social media accounts for a few days.

By creating a distraction-free environment, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can learn in a shorter amount of time. Have Quality Sleep for Better Memory, Energy, and Focus

A student preparing exam one night before the exam

You might be tempted to pull an all-nighter to do good on tomorrow’s exam. But the reverse can be more effective in reality.

Sleep is actually your best friend when it comes to cramming. When you sleep, your brain consolidates memories and information. Basically, it takes all that cramming knowledge (from short-term memory) and puts it in the long-term memory.
When sleep-deprived, your brain might struggle to recall stuff. That’s because much of the information on short-term memory is vanished after some time.
Sleep is also necessary to keep you fresh and focused while taking the exam.


Facing the exam without prior preparation can be overwhelming. But there are ways to make the most of last-minute studying.
Prioritize key concepts, utilize active recall techniques, minimize distractions, and prioritize quality sleep to consolidate memories and maintain focus during the exam. These strategies can help boost confidence and readiness for the test.

