To-do list of happy people; practice these 5 things to be happy in your life

Urva Minhas
5 min readSep 26, 2021


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Happiness is the most valuable resource of the world. Success of any person is defined by the level of his happiness, someone may achieve a lot but if they are not happy about it, their achievements cannot be regarded as success.

Besides just feeling nice there are many byproducts of happiness. Happy people often earn more, they enjoy their time at workplace, they are more social, and they are more creative. Happiness increases the self-esteem and self-confidence, it makes the person emotionally stronger and resilient. Happiness also improves physical health, feel good hormones are released in human body when someone feels happy upon achieving a goal, helping others, doing an act of kindness, expressing love and feeling gratitude. These hormones have been reported to cure several deadly diseases.

Quality time with friends and family

Every one of us can remember an incident when we were totally exhausted, burned out and stuck and then a talk with a loved one made us feel relaxed and empowered. Supportive relationships are the essence of human culture. Family members and friends who understand you, value your thoughts, provide positive feedback on your plans and ideas, listen to your worries and help you out in the hour of need are the best support systems to rely on.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Spending time with friends and family is a source of joy and inner peace. Family and friends are the people who make bad times easier and good times more pleasant. Happy people spend quality with their families and friends. They totally engage themselves with their loved ones. They listen and talk to their friends, parents, children, and spouse. During this time, they do not check their email and work files every few minutes. Such time of involvement and celebration with family and friends disburdens the mind from worries of life and the massive work load.

Baby Action steps:

1. Hang out with your best friend this weekend.

2. Make and eat dinner with you family today.

3. Schedule an outdoor trip with your family as soon as possible.

Gratitude practice

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Gratitude is a universal quality of happy people. Feeling gratitude is a must for feeling happy. Being thankful for what you own, what you have been gifted, and what you have earned with efforts is an empowering emotion. If you show gratitude habitually, you will be happy in life.

Happy people practice gratitude by being grateful to people around them and giving them positive remarks, by being kind and helpful for others, by expressing thankfulness while journaling.

Baby Action steps:

1. Appreciate a co-worker, family member or employ today.

2. Write three things in your diary which went well today and express your gratefulness.


Happy people live in present moment. They do not think all time about their future or past. They are stuck neither in the past mourning over the mistakes they did or thinking about accomplishments they made nor in their future feeling fears and aspirations about their plans. Happy people are present in the present. They live the NOW, the moment that’s happening.

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Happy persons are mindful in their everyday life. When they eat they feel the taste and smell of the food, when they see they observe the colors and textures of objects, when they hear they detect the levels of loudness and heaviness of different voices.

Staying in the moment you are actually breathing in will relieve you from the injuries of past and fears of future. Scientific research also prove correlation of happiness with mindfulness. Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help in building this valuable habit.

Baby Action steps:

1. Look different objects around yourself (all the pieces of furniture, electronics, stationery, crockery etc.) and notice their colors and textures. Make such mindful observation after every few hours a habit.

2. Meditate for at least 3 minutes today.

3. Next time, when you find yourself overthinking about your past or future remind yourself not to do so.


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In 2016, I took a neuroscience MOOC “Learning how to learn” from where I learned how exercise and physical movement benefits our learning and memory. Since then I have been curios about benefits of working out.

The wonderful surprise is that workout is a firm habit in most of the happy people around the globe. Physical work improves embolism, reduces stress and anxiety and refreshes the mind. Exercise increases Workouts have been scientifically proved to increase happiness levels.

Baby Action steps:

1. Workout for at least 20 minutes today, getting some family member or friend with you to do exercise would be a bonus!

2. Schedule working out 150 minutes every week in your calendar.

These are top four habits to add into your routine in order to become more happy, more healthy and even more wealthy. Come on now give me some claps and share this article to your loved ones and become a reason of their happiness too :)

